Rupal Shah and Jens Foell
Jens and I have been GPs for a very long time- forty years between us. Are we deluding ourselves though to suggest that general practice has a soul and if it does, that we should fight for it?
This idea for our podcast series came out of the eponymous book, in an effort to spark a conversation within our profession about this question and others, like:
What kind of future should general practice aspire to?
How do we provide personalised care in a context that is designed to be generic?
Do relationships have a role in care anymore?
How do we balance risk and make care fit for individual patients?
Are guidelines tramlines?
How do we navigate total triage?
We have been lucky enough to be joined by guests like Iona Heath, Rowena Christmas (Chair RCGP Wales), Victor Montori (founder of the Patient Revolution movement) and Minna Johanssen (who came up with the ‘clinican time needed to treat’ metric). We have an episode about flourishing and another about total triage. We have many more planned.
You are the future of General Practice, so we would love you to listen and feedback to us, to your peers and other colleagues about how we can effect change and enter Don Berwick’s ‘era 3’.
We want a General Practice that we can be proud of and that cares for patients and for staff. If you’d be interested in recording a podcast with us, please get in touch using the contact details below!
Access the podcast here:
Rupal Shah, rupal.shah12@nhs